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Codex Britannica

A (now defunct) survey of British literature and culture from the Restoration through the 19th century, with other things thrown in for flavor. Originally created as part of a class project.

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Location: Chicago 'Burb, Illinois, United States

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Final Words?

Well, it has been quite the quarter. I guess I could say that I am glad that spring break is here and heralding the end of another set of classes. Knowing this, I can't help but remember all of the intriguing conversations and discussions had over this past quarter and the people I have met, albeit briefly and perhaps not that well. Still, I feel that I have grown somewhat as a writer and a person because of these experiences. Famed Russian philosopher sage, Porphyri Korneyevich Ivanov, once stated that "You [humans] are filled with the desire to be useful to all people. " I can say that everyone I have met in class was useful in some way and proved the old Russians philosophy. I hope I had just as much an impact on the people I met.

I would just like to close out by saying that I intend to keep this web log running as long as I can. It may not be updated every week or even every two or three weeks, but I can guarantee that new material will be added as I write it. For now, I hop to see you all again. Take care and stay safe.



Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Arkadiy Stepankovskiy - A Dear Friend Remembered

I have been training with Arkadiy Stepankovskiy, a Russian born immigrant, for about five months now. Always energetic, caring and friendly to the utmost, Arkadiy was the example of all that is good in human existence. Bar none....and I damn well mean it. Unfortunately, Arkadiy was killed on March 7th, 2005 in a violent shooting. Fortunately, however, he is survived by his wife and daughter. Truly, Arkadiy Stepankovskiy was a testament to all that is good in human history and existence. And I shall tell you why.

I had met Arkadiy in October, 2004 at one of the Friday sessions of the Systema (Russian Martial Art) class he taught at Dee Park in Des Plaines, Illinois. The first thing that caught my attention about Arkadiy was his boundless energy and true dedication to his art. Countless times I have seen those who only claim and feign dedication to that which they teach, and believe, in. Arkadiy's tenacity was honestly inspiring and within that first hour and a half, I was hooked on Systema and desired to learn more. As a martial artist, albeit a novice (for sure), I have been exposed to a good deal of various teaching styles and systems. I can say, with absolute certainty, that what I experienced in Arkadiy's class was the definite pinnacle of my martial arts career to this point in my life. No other argument can be accepted.

I can honestly say that since my first class with Arkadiy, I had not missed one single weekly session. This is not due to a rather lame attempt at fulfilling an obligation on my part, but rather due to the sheer energy that had been imparted to me by Arkadiy in that first meeting. Always I felt a need to continue my training with Arkadiy, if not for improving myself as a martial artist, then for improving myself as a person. Arkadiy Stepankovskiy was that type of person. He improved not only your martial skills, but your life as well.

Over the few (rather, very few) months I spent training with Arkadiy, I began to notice an improvement in myself. This improvement was not limited to the martial skills I signed up to learn, but rather (and mainly seen) in myself as a person. I began to relax and take life in stride. This was quite the change form the nervous and self-doubting person I was before finding Systema. Without the inspiration given me by Arkadiy, as well as my other instructor Greg Mele, I would not be the person I am today (to my disadvantage).

Often Arkadiy would discuss physical reactions in his Systema classes. Namely it would be in the context of Systema, but these lessons could be applied to one's general life. Relaxtion, I have learned, is key to all that we do. Another concept, breathing (which is often taken for granted), can easily charge the body when done properly. I shudder to think how I would still be living if I had not met Mr. Stepankovskiy.

I remember a joke that Arkadiy had told us during a class on body-guarding. "Don't tell God your plans," he said, "unless you want to make him laugh." Thinking about this now, I understand what it truly means. Despite our attempts to create our own history and methodology, we are bound to reality and all that that entails. Unfortunately, the consequences of reality are different for us all. Arkadiy was taken from us. Despite this, I still remember him as a source of boundless energy and unstoppable inspiration.

On March 7th, 2005 three bodies were found in Wheeling, Illinois, killed in a violent shooting. Of the three, two were declared as deceased and one injured and hospitalized. Arkadiy Stepankovskiy was one of those that had been killed. I can say, without reservation, that I was shocked, saddened, angered and distraught at hearing this news. To hear that a man who had been such an inspiration and mentor had been killed was true upheaval. Truthfully, I was on the verge of breaking down. It is not often that one has to face the bitter reality of dealing with the loss of a mentor, teacher and friend.

After thinking about this unfortunate turn of events, and its ramifications within my own life I recalled a passage in the Russian System Guidebook (an introduction to Systema); "Much as you become aware of the world around you as you live or fight, you must also become of aware of those things that you leave behind."

I do not like to think of Arkadiy as something I have left behind, but rather as someone that played an integral part in my development, not as martial artist, but as a person. That is by far the most important thing that anyone can give to someone.

I once knew a young man, his name was Arkadiy.
he said, "Listen to me this is what I believe..."
"We were put on this Earth to live life to the full and be true to our friends."

You will be missed. May you rest in eternal peace with God.

Cheers, now and forever-


For more information about Systema in Chicago, go to: