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Codex Britannica

A (now defunct) survey of British literature and culture from the Restoration through the 19th century, with other things thrown in for flavor. Originally created as part of a class project.

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Location: Chicago 'Burb, Illinois, United States

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Bet you didn't see this coming...again!

"If the tongue could cut as the sword can do, the dead would be infinite."
- Fillipo Vadi, Arte Gladiatoria Dimicandi, 1485

Hah! I haven't updated this blog in a few years! Too bad the only folks who seem to leave comments are gits who prefer to advertise their own (unrelated) blogs rather than say anything useful. Oh well, no worries for me, I'll just delete the afflicted posts then re-post as neccessary. Plus, the 'moderate comments' feature seems promising so I guess this will be the end of crap comments on this blog. A big "w00t" to that!

Anyhoo....back to slacking. Catch you on the flip side.


Lord Conquistador Cristobel Ramirez Sanchez Blue-Stratavari Eagleson the Third, Esquire ....or the scholar formerly known as Chris.